Medical paper is medical grade paper that made of 100% cellulose fibers and is designed to allow sterilization agent penetration. The unique dense and matted layer structure of the fibers provides a high bacterial barrier performance after sterilization and during storage of sterilized devices.
Medical grade paper meets Medical Industry’s requirements for high quality, hygiene and safety levels and comply with international standards.

Medical grade paper meets Medical Industry’s requirements for high quality, hygiene and safety levels and comply with international standards.
One of medical paper types is crepe paper. A crepe paper, soft and porous, used in clinics and hospitals for sterilization by autoclave, radiation or ethylene oxide, of instrumentation, medical clothing and other materials for surgical use, protecting against pollution after sterilization process. Grammage between 50gsm -70 gsm
Medical Tape is a medicated or protective wound sealant that is usually produced from a plastic and fabric film coated with a medicated substance. Medical Tape is the type of tape used locally by individuals who need medical solutions during the healing process for injuries, muscle pains, sprains and sprains. Medical Tape; It protects the area where the tape is used from dirt, bacteria and all kinds of damage.
The usage areas of these tapes have been quite common especially in recent years. Recent developments and rapid progress in the medical fields have led to the expansion of the medical tape usage area and the increase in the variety of the product. It has started to be used not only in medical institutions and organizations, but also in the sports sector, especially with the increase in sports activities thanks to the developing technology. It varies according to the usage areas of the bands.
The four main types of medical tape are: micropore, retention, strapping and sports (more often known as zinc-oxide tape).

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